Preparing to Handle Common Road Hazards in Your Porsche

August 5th, 2019 by

There is little that can be done when you are faced with sudden road hazards besides trust your instincts and remember everything that you have been taught about safe driving practices. When you are out on the roads in your Porsche Macan, there can be common road hazards that pose a potential problem and you need to do what you can to keep yourself and your passengers safe as well as make sure that your vehicle is not damaged in the process.

Our team at Porsche Woodland Hills cares about our customers so we have put together some helpful tips on dealing with some of the more common road hazards:

Debris – You could be driving along and find debris in your path that comes from another vehicle, broken sections of the asphalt, or trees above you. It is best that you are always aware of your surroundings so that you can carefully navigate around any debris that may be in your path as you are driving.

Work Zones – Road work is unavoidable at times, so you need to remain mindful as you are driving in and around any construction zones. Be sure that you maintain a low speed and always keep an eye out for workers, heavy equipment, and having to make sudden stops.

Cyclists – Something all drivers need to remember is that people on bicycles have rights to the road just like vehicles. Keep a safe distance from anyone riding a bike along the roadway and always keep a lookout when you are driving through congested areas, through residential spaces, and near public parks.

Not only do we have new Porsche cars for you to buy or lease at Porsche Woodland Hills, but we also care about your safety while driving. Call your local California Porsche dealers today at (818) 932-1600 if you would like to learn more about current inventory or pricing or you can visit us at 21301 Ventura in lovely Woodland Hills, CA.

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